The Kedou Kids Pod Celebrates its First Anniversary!
Hiya Everyone
It's a happy, happy day, you know! My tiny website is ONE year old... nice hor! This was the little secret that I wasn't suppose to tell till now... I was simply bursting with excitement all week, counting my toes to this day. I've made a special anniversary e-card, do pick it up and send it to your friends!
I hope you've had fun this past year and will keep me company so that we can celebrate more anniversaries together... :)
Oh, in case you haven't noticed -- come read a poem about happiness in The Tang of Poetry with me, and share my adventures in the mysterious Land of Hearts.
See ya -- have a great weekend (hmmmm, I wonder if Meme has more helado in the fridge hor, seeing as how it's our anniversary... shall go and check now!).
Lots of chuckles
Kedou's Podcasts:
The Land of Hearts
Kedou's Holiday Specials
The Tang of Poetry
The Kedou Chronicles
Copyright 2006. The Kedou Kids Pod @